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Ranging in grades from 5 to 12 (ages 11 to 18 for the most part) athletes will be expected to be at their designated gym at least 15 minutes before starting times



  • Morning Session:  9am to 12 noon

  • Break:  12 noon to 1:30pm (Can remain in Supervised GYM)

  • TRIPLE BALL athletes to be picked up at NOON daily

  • Afternoon Session:  1:30pm to 4:00pm

  • Break:  4:00pm to 6:15pm  (ALL schools are closed; athletes to be picked up) 

  • Evening Session:  6:15pm to 8:15/8:30pm 


  • Morning Session:  9am to 12:00 to 12:30pm

  • Followed by the presentation of Camp Evaluations, Awards & Prizes

ALL Campers should arrive each day with appropriate gym/workout attire (shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers and a well-marked water bottle). It is also recommended to have knee pads and ankle braces

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