Please register in lots of time -- fill out form and send payment to :
Bathurst High School
640 King Street
Bathurst, New Brunswick
E2A 1E4
CAMPERS will be notified if they are accepted and will not be accepted unless PAID IN FULL
CAMP DAY 1 always begins on the Holiday Monday in August (there will be a FULL day session).
REGISTRATION CHECK-IN will be at Ecole Secondaire Nepisiguit (ESN) at 915 Ste Anne Street in Bathurst (around the back GYM ENTRANCE from 8:15am to 9:00am -- Tables will be set-up according to the alphabet for your LAST NAME (ie A to F = Aubie and Farrell ; G to O and P to Z)
There is a Waiver Form that MUST be signed by a Parent/Guardian
Please have the athlete at their designated gym at least 15 minutes before the Session start time
Breaks will be supervised EXCEPT for the 4:00pm to 6:15pm time slot -- Schools will be closed and all Campers are expected to be picked up by their parent/guardian (Coaches should be informed if other arrangements have been made)